You Can Help

Become a Friend of PS Charities

By becoming a friend of PS Charities you become part of a remarkable group of people who are dedicated to bettering the lives of military families and those affected by cancer. Your support will assist families who are truly in the need of financial support. Join us today!

Contributing directly to PS Charities is simple and rewarding. With a range of gift packages, you can select an amount that best fits your pocketbook. Contributions can be made on individual or corporate levels, as well as a one-time gift or on a monthly or annual basis.

PS Charities supports several charity events, which allows donors to choose which fund, or funds, they wish to support.

Donate Today

General Donation


Donate by Check

Make your check payable to “PS Charities” and send to:

PS Charities
5500 Cherokee Avenue, Suite 250
Alexandria, VA 22312

Thank you for your support!


We have several fundraising events throughout the year and always need passionate people willing to contribute time, energy, and expertise. If you are interested in volunteering please complete the form below and we’ll contact you immediately to discuss volunteer opportunities.

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